Happy Mother's Day
Mom, I wish you lived just down the street. I really, really do. I long for more every-day-little-things-in-life kinds of moments, but for now, that isn't to be.
So instead, I will remember the seemingly little yet profoundly gigantic things you did/do and who you are to focus on the rich, rich blessing you are in my life.
- Your influence and fingerprints are over every bit of who I am. You name a part of who I am and it most likely stems from your intentional mothering or simply you being you, which trickles down to me being me.
- You were there every single day when I got home from school {except for one day and that day I thought the rapture had happened and I'd been left behind. A horrific moment in my life thanks to the "Thief in the Night" movies.}
- We can't move furniture together without getting into giggling fits.
- I love the memory of sitting and reading to you while you sewed.
- You gave and gave, and then gave some more, to make our growing up years amazing. I love my childhood experiences. From lots and lots of camping trips, to making maple syrup, to playing games to birthdays that you always made SO special, you were mom extraordinaire.
- You played the piano late into the night and I have fond memories of falling asleep listening to you playing hymns.
- You were firm but fun. As a mother, I struggle with finding that balance and you did it so very well.
- Your six-week visit to Indonesia was so needed. You got to experience my world and I can't imagine you having not seen it; it was just too important to me and you came.
- Your daily {probably hourly is more accurate} prayers for me.
- You are silly and I love that.
- You are an example of a woman with an unwavering faith. And to me, that is HUGE.
- I have a vivid picture of you sitting in your chair, reading your Bible, often. Very often.
- You lived what you believed. Always.
This is only just the very tippy-top of the iceberg as to the mom you were and continue to be.
You exemplify beauty .... kindness ... hard working ... a love for God that is an inspiration and motivation to me ...
I love you, Mom. So very, VERY much.
{My only bone to pick is that I owe my Diet Coke Addiction to YOU!}