Senior Pictures
So this past week I got somewhat caught up on my photography class and have also been pouring over photography books I've checked out from the library. I really am loving the learning of something new. Growing creatively.
I have to say that this week I got a bit discouraged as I surfed the world.wide.web and saw so many AMAZING photographers. I started to go down the 'compare road' and that got me nowhere but feeling no good. Thinking things like "I'll never be that good" or "Do I even have a remote possibility to make this work?" You know, all those things that are rooted in fear ...
The good news is I snapped out of that wrong thinking fairly quickly and realized that I have to cut myself some slack. I am JUST starting this whole thing ... I have to give myself some time to learn ... A lot of time actually. I have to start at the bottom and work my way up....
It the meantime, I continue to be SO excited about the possibilities ahead. I keep saying to God, "I'm gonna walk on through these doors and will continue to hope and dream and lay them in Your hands."
And I'll do my work on my end and I'll let Him show me His ways on His end. And we'll just wait and see what the future holds.