All Day. Every day. Starting Tuesday Morning.

I had a little wee bit of a panic attack tonight as I shared with our lake neighbors that Little Buddy is going to kindergarten.

All day. Every day. Starting Tuesday morning.

My feelings are all jumbled up about the whole thing. Some moments I get delightfully giddy with the thought of dropping off two children at school at 9am sharp, not to pick them up a moment before 2:45pm sharp. I secretly want to yell F.R.E.E.D.O.M. at the tippy-top of my lungs. {I have grand visions of how I shall fill my time. And those visions do not include cleaning.}

And then, there's this bigger part of me {at least it's bigger right this minute} that really doesn't want Little Buddy to go to school all day. Every day. Starting Tuesday morning.

He's too little to be gone from me all day. Every day. Starting Tuesday morning.

He's too little to sit at a lunch table and unpack his lunch and open his yogurt and time the eating part so he actually eats his lunch and doesn't miss his 20 minute lunch break. {I'm a whole lot of irritated that our school has no recess and only a 20 minute lunch.}

Of course he's not too little to drive a very real, very powerful 4-wheeler on his own, complete with gas pedal and brakes.
{Where's the disconnect in all this? I don't think he can open his cheese stick without me but I'll let him drive a motor vehicle at age 5? I've got issues.}

I really am curious to know how he will do, being gone all day every day. I guess I'll find out, eh? He's my little snuggle bunny that randomly steels away and gets his blanket from his bedroom, wanders into whichever room I'm in, and plops down on the floor, all the while snuggling with his blankie. He won't be able to do that all day. Every day. Starting Tuesday morning.

I'm not sure why I'm panicking, because believe you me, I've been waiting for this day for the last 10 years. Since about the 3rd day home from the hospital, where I was awake, off and on with Maddie all through the night. Every night. And then repeat for months on end. And then repeat when Little Buddy rolled on the scene. {And roll he did at 9 pounds 11 ounces. Thank you very much!}

So here we are. Just a few short days away from all day, every day. I wonder how he'll I'll survive.

Stay tuned for more. I imagine this will consume a few posts in the coming weeks.

And don't even get me started on 20 minute lunch and no recess.

School's Off to a Grand Start (2011 First Day School)


Walk of Colour.