Someone Received a Package Today

Guess what landed on my front steps today? 
A lovely package from Minnesota. 
 Had no idea what it was.

Of all the goodies inside, 
THESE were my favorite two words:
{ not team ortho}

Oh crap.
Seventeen days and counting. 

Surprisingly, I'm not nervous and I TOTALLY thought I would be.
I mean, race day is around the corner folks.

Now I'm not saying I won't be nervous come race day. 
I will be.
There's part of me that has crossed over the line of
"I'm scared because I really don't think I can do this" to 
"I'm excited because I KNOW I can do this."

That's a really good feeling.
That's a God thing.

I also know that if my leg isn't better by then  
(which I think it will be better),
I will be running through the pain.
I can push through anything at this point.
I'm really hoping AND praying that won't be the case. 
Because I really don't want to do long-term damage to my legs.
BUT, there's just no part of me that can even fathom not running
this race after the hours and months of training.
But we'll just cross that bridge when we get to it.

Inside my lovely package were these goodies too:

I'll be honest, 
not a big fan of skulls and cross bones.
{Okay, I'm probably an anti-fan of those things if truth be told.} 
They're creepy to me. Sorry if you love them. I still love you.
Just not the skulls and cross bones.
And I wish SOMEWHERE on the hoodie were those words
"Half Marathon". 
Because dog-gone-it, I will have earned those words!

for me, 
this package is SO much bigger than a big black ugly hoodie. 
  This package represents a journey to freedom. 
A journey to better health. 
A journey in watching prayer be answered.
A journey in discipline that I never thought was possible.
A journey to help a little girl in India.
A journey in weight loss: 20 pounds lost with more to lose.
I can't even fathom the amount of early mornings I've been up
to run.
I've been converted.
Former life: night owl.
New life: morning cardinal.

I think most importantly, this has been a 
journey in feeling God's Presence
in a real and powerful way. 
He has met me every morning that I've run.
He's been there.
I haven't been alone.

That's a big deal to me!

I have to say, of all the numbers I COULD have randomly been given,
I'm super excited about the number I got.
It's catchy.
And easy to remember.
as Jack pointed out.
I completely agree!

I like it. 
It might be my new favorite number. 
I'd like one of you out there in cyber-space to work up a jingle using 
my name 
and those numbers. 
That'll help me at around mile 11. 
When I feel like tanking, 
I'll start singing it to myself 
and will laugh 
and think of you 
and remember that SO many people have been on this journey with me.

 SO quick, go work up a jingle.

I guess I get a free beer at the finish line. 
Not gonna lie.
Beer is gross.
Wine, good. 
Beer, gross. 
SO, if you wanna fight over who gets the free beer, 
come and cheer me on and your name will go in the
hat for the free beer.

October 20th. 
Grant Park. 
My favorite city in the world.
9am -- crossing the starting line.
11:45am ish -- crossing the finish line. 
11:46am ish -- sobbing like a baby as I soak in what just happened.
11:47am -- wishing I could call Premila on the phone to tell her that I did it.

You know my number. 
I'll be the one with the hot pink visor and all black outfit. 
Because as I've said before, 
black is slimming. 
And I want slimming. 

 In the meantime, 
I guess I have one more thing to worry about.
 How's that for pressure?
As if running THIRTEEN POINT ONE miles wasn't pressure enough. 
Now I've got to NOT lose this little device the size of a quarter. 
Oh mercy. 

And surprisingly, I DO want to be timed. 
However slow it will be, 
it will be FASTER than it would have been 5 months ago 
when I wasn't running. 
So there. 

Jack says I should wear the hoodie when we go camping next week. 
I don't know. 
That's awfully shady if you ask me.
I haven't earned it YET. 
He says I have. 
I say I haven't. 

I think we need the internet to decide. 
Your thoughts? 

Should I wear it camping next week? 
wait until I earn it on October 20th?
It IS the perfect camping sweatshirt. 
It's warm. 
It's black so the dirt won't show. 
It's ugly so I won't care if gets a hole in it from a rogue spark from the fire. 
And did I mention it's warm and ugly? 

Do vote. 
Leave a comment here in the comment section or on Facebook.
One week from tomorrow I'll either have it packed 
or it will be folded nicely on my dining room table. 
You get to decide.
So do leave your comment.

And if you haven't donated yet for Premila 
and would like to do so, it's not too late.  

I'd be thrilled for your support in this! 
And I know Premila will be thrilled, too! 
Together let's make a difference in this little girl's life!
 Let's tell her that she's not forgotten.
That no matter what has happened to her, 
 her future can be AMAZING and BRIGHT and FULL OF HOPE.
 That she's beautiful. 
That she's worth it.
She's worth every mile of training.
Every mile of race day.
 Every dollar donated. 
Every prayer said.
She IS worth it!


Lake Weekend


Running Setback