Day Four. Journey To Freedom

Well, let's see.
Great success with the blender AND the shake this morning.

This shake was called 
Berry Shake With Coconut Milk and Cinnamon
Again, delicious.
And so pretty. 
The blueberry clearly is a dominant color, 
which makes this 'girl that loves colour' so very happy. 
If I have to want to eat healthy, 
it sure does help to see such prettiness on the counter and table.
[ Jackson LOVED this and wanted it for a snack this afternoon. 
That's saying something if a kid likes healthy, right? ]

Jack opted for a Green Smoothie this morning.
Not bad.
Not my fave.
But not bad.
I managed to get out the door on time this morn.
Still schlepped through un-plowed streets to get the kids to the school door.
Welcome to Chicago.

Made a quick pit-stop at Whole Foods to pick up more coconut milk 
and a few other various items.
I'm moving MUCH quicker around that joint.
I did get side-tracked in the floral department again.
Goodness, their flowers are so beautiful.
I want every one.
Especially the bright yellow tulips 
(which, by the way, we had as the flowers for our wedding).
And honestly, they're not bad in price.
So if you want to send me flowers, I'd be okay with that.
[Jack swears he's reading my blog posts and not mocking me every time I go to take a photo, so if you are actually reading this Jack Man,
 I sure would like some flowers from WF. Just sayin'. ]

Came home and got my marinade on.
And did some dicing and slicing.

Zucchini, scallions, carrots, cilantro, cucumber.
 Colourful, isn't it?
And if you want the honest truth, I only like carrots and cilantro in that list,
so if I can do this, you can too!

And made the dressing out of these ingredients:

(plus chopped pineapple that I forgot to show). 

Measured this morning and while the numbers weren't, how shall I say this -- very good -- I'm fully expecting this journey to result in at least some shrinkage. 
And as women, we all know that the first place to shrink is the boobs.
Not a fan.
At all.

This is hilarious.
Coco is TERRIFIED of the measuring tape.
I put it in the bowl to snap a shot and it slowly started unwinding on it's own, and sort of spilling out randomly.

See her slinking up on the tape?

She gathered up her nerve and walked toward it.

 And then, as she was sniffing, 
it unraveled a bit and she just took a wild leap backwards in fear. 
(I didn't move -- she jumped back onto my lap lickity-cut.)
I do love my Coco.
Cute, right?

On the docket for lunch -- our ONLY food meal of the day. 
Lord have mercy.

Roasted Chicken with Lemon and Rosemary.
AND, a lentil salad

 (Shhhh. Jack isn't a big fan of beans 
so I'm sneaking in this recipe to see if he'll eat it and not know.)

Another GREAT recipe. 
Truly delightful flavors.

Jack said it best last night after supper:
"Every meal we have, I feel like at the end I am full but not heavy." 
 I agree.
That boy is SMART.

 As for the green lentils,
Jack knew.
He can detect a small packet of sawdust -- as he likes to refer to beans --  a mile away.
I thought they were good but I couldn't do a tonne of those.
But all the fresh veggies.
And the chicken was very nice, too.
Never cooked with parsnips before and quite honestly, had NO idea what they looked like.
In case you're wondering, they look like a white carrot.
Nice flavor.

Another hit.

I think tomorrow I might make a big long list of all I'm learning around here.
Lots of great stuff going on.

Made it to 6:30pm without feeling hungry at all.
That's just bizarre to me.
I think my body is changing before my eyes.
Four days down and I think my insides might be doing a happy dance.

Thanks for all your kind words and loving thoughts and prayers.
It always feels better to go on a difficult adventure with friends.
We're always better together.

And it's not to late for you to jump on the clean machine.
And you could modify if you didn't want to go hard-core.
I think simple changes really do add up and make a difference.

Day Five. Journey to Freedom


Day Three. Journey to Freedom