Day Two. Journey to Freedom

Day two. 

First up. 
Brekkie of champs.

You MUST go get these ingredients and 
make this healthy 'clean' bit of liquid ambrosia.

You have to trust me when I tell you something is yummy during this journey,
because, well,
I'm a picky healthy eater and if anything in the 'healthy arena' tastes
yummy to ME, then it's probably yummy to the rest of the planet.
No lies allowed.

Say hello to delicious.
And pretty.
I'm including the recipe right here on the spot 
because you're gonna wanna go buy the ingredients and make it instantly.
{ I'm in the process of adding the other recipes that I've 
mentioned from yesterday, so stay tuned. }

Blueberry, Carob and Almond Milk Shake
1 cup blueberries (organic)
2 teaspoons cacao powder (organic, read label - mine had one ingredient only)
1 1/2 cups almond milk (unsweetened, original - not vanilla or other flavors - and Mr. Clean likes Blue Diamond brand only or make your own.)
1 teaspoon stevia (plant-based natural sweetener -- recipe called for two but I went for 1)
1/2 cup ice.
Blend until smooth.

Here's the cacao powder:
 And notice the one ingredient below?
They say that's an important part of clean eating -- 
minimal ingredients and as close to the source as possible.
I'm learning.
Side note on cacao from Mr. Clean -- it's the same thing as cocoa powder but in the raw form. It's preferable because it's packed with nutrients, including magnesium, and is high in antioxidants. My guy prefers the Navitas Naturals brand but they didn't have it at Whole Foods so I read all the labels and came up with the one that looked the best. 

Now, in this frigid cold, I must trek out to get more ingredients,
because SOMEHOW, 
[ shock of all shocks ]
in my shopping on Friday and Saturday,
I missed some key ingredients for my scheduled lunch meal today.
Not sure how THAT happened,
besides the fact that I wasn't in my right mind.

And so I'm back.
And, sadly, I forgot ONE KEY INGREDIENT 
even after going to the store this morning,
so I schlepped myself back over to the store a second time
[ in this COLD ]
and got sesame oil and pine nuts for our salad.
And as an aside, pine nuts are freaking expensive.
Even at Mariano's, which is where I went the second trip out.

Glad I went back out though, because I'm not gonna lie.
The meal was AMAZING.
I mean, the type of amazing that I would serve to dinner guests.
I know, right?

No-Soy Asian Chicken Salad
 Definitely time consuming to make,
BUT, well worth it.
Delicious fresh flavors.
Ingredients I'd never heard of before: daikon. 
Who knew?
Clearly I didn't.

Would absolutely make this again. 
Will post the recipe soon.
Pinky promise.

Was hungry by mid-afternoon, though.
And not gonna lie; got a bit cranky.
Pots and pans would NOT cooperate as I was trying 
to get them out of their cupboard. 
I might have cussed under my breath.
Workin' on that.

And supper, while VERY tasty, 
was over an hour long in preparation,
and seeing as I didn't KNOW that ahead of time,
I was very hungry before I even started so
grumpiness set in because honestly, 

In the race to scarf it down, I forgot to snap a photo.

Supper was: 
Balsamic Vinegar and Garlic and Rosemary Roasted Chicken WITH Wild Rice Pilaf

Again, we're fancy-ing it up over here at the Clarks.
Would make it again, too.
I suppose we're on a roll or somethin'. 
Jackson had several helpings so that tells you how tasty it was.
He and Jack fought over the last helping. 

Good to the last drop.

And now, it's 9pm and I'm weary and rather hungry,
so to bed I go once again.

Thanks for staying tuned along this journey.
Feel no obligation WHATSOEVER to follow along.
I can't imagine it's too exciting to hear about what I'm eating.
But enough of you are private emailing and facebooking that it seems 
there is some interest in this whole journey.

 Another successful day of clean eating.
Feeling hopeful on this journey to FREEDOM.


Day Three. Journey to Freedom


Day One. Journey to Freedom