Sweet Home Chicago

While I love, love, 
traveling and being with family and amazing traditions,
it is always good to be home.

We do love our sweet home, Chicago!
[ And speaking of sweet home, Chicago. 
Come visit us. 
We have extra rooms. 
We like deep dish pizza. 
We're fun. 
What more would you want? ] 

Hoping and praying 
that 2014 brings you and yours,
[ and me and mine ],
some beautiful new memories.

And answered prayers.

And HOPE beyond measure.

And laughter that makes our bellies ache.

And friendships, new and old, nurtured.

And challenges that make us better folks.

And glimpses of a God that's just itchin' to pour out His LAVISH love on us.

if I could lose some weight
and run a 10k in record time,
get a handle on this impatience thing with my kids,
that'd be a 'real nice feature'
 { said in your best Brian Reagan impersonation voice please }
for 2014.

Here's to GROWTH and LOVE and ADVENTURES and HOPE.

Traditions [ New Years Eve ]


Canadian Christmas [ Part II ]