An Izzy Fix
And doesn't this grin say it all?
From the minute Maddie found out we were heading to Canada for a few days she asked if she could help Miss Lexi with Izzy, and maybe trot, and feed it an apple and help groom her. And then she asked, "Could I do it every day?"
{We put the nix on that one, but we did say we'd see what we could do about at least getting one trip out to the farm to help with Izzy.} The grin started as we pulled onto the farm and didn't stop until well after we left.
I loved every second of being in Canada. All of it. Every day was so enjoyable. {More on all we did in the next post.} But when reflecting on my favorite part I think I'd have to say that seeing Maddie's joy while we were on the farm was the best.
It's been a rough year for Maddie. She's had a very hard time adjusting to her new school. Going to and coming home from school are challenging every single day. Lots of tears. Lots of outbursts of anger and frustration. To put it simply, she hates it.
So as you might imagine, that's been quite hard for me, too. Heart-breaking, really. It's so sad to see your child so upset. I've shed more tears over this sweet girl than I could possibly count.
So seeing her with Izzy was beautiful. It's the real Maddie. The happy girl that loves the outdoors and animals. She is so into horses right now {because of Izzy and Miss Lexi - each time we've gone to Canada she's gotten to be out on the farm and has loved it}.
Our full of life Maddie. Here's Miss Lexi showing us Izzy's teeth. Miss Lexi is amazing. Just in the little bit of time we've spent with her, I do believe that she and Maddie are very similar. A love for animals that comes from deep within.
Miss Lexi is SO good with children. I mean, she's a dream. She teaches Maddie about horses and grooming. She's patient and loving and seems to truly enjoy Maddie's love for her horse. A natural.
She's so good at giving Maddie responsibilities, like leading Izzy out to the field.
And that makes Maddie very, VERY happy. Can't you see it in her sweet face?
You know how she normally fights me on every picture. Turns away from the camera. NOT WITH IZZY. No way. She soaks it up.
This one's my favorite. Pure joy.
So here's a funny story. On the way home from lunch, prior to our Izzy visit, I might have had a little gas. Like, just a little poofer slipped out. And Maddie initially reacted with horror at the smell saying, "Mommy, did YOU do that?" I said, "I might have." She turned and looked out the window and thought for a minute and then quietly said, "Well, that's okay. I guess if I'm gonna be a cowgirl when I grow up I'm going to have to get used to the smell of manure."
Okay, it wasn't THAT bad little missy! But made me roar none-the-less.
And surprisingly, today was a delightful day on the way to school. She woke up happy, even though it was a school day. She smiled and we thanked the Lord for the blue sky that poked it's way out from behind the clouds. The sun felt good and we prayed and thanked the Lord for signs of spring on the way.
So maybe all she needed was an Izzy fix. A farm girl does need to visit a farm now and then.
Miss Lexi, giving a Sunday afternoon to Maddie was such a treasure. You could have been sleeping on the couch like your sweet sister, but you shared and taught and patiently gave Maddie the greatest gift she could ever want. Well, other than actually giving her a horse, which at this point would be the greatest gift ever!
Thanks, Lexi! Come visit us in Chicago and we'll show you around the big city!