Home Projects Revealed
Okay, so this has been fun.
Earlier this spring I went garage sale-ing and garbage picking with some dear friends and I found these chairs and thought, "Hmmm. I like the shape, what should I do?" And Melissa, decorator extraordinaire said, "Well, let's recover them." And so I said, "Well alrighty then. If you'll help, I'm in-like-flynn." And so she did. And they turned out delightfully delicious.
{Didn't those last two words just make you see a little green leprechaun and make you want to sing the "They're magically delicious" jingle? Come on, admit it. You know it went through your head. {Or not. Maybe I'm the only dork out there that lives in jingles and rhymes.}
BEFORE: {notice gross fabric and stains}
{Didn't those last two words just make you see a little green leprechaun and make you want to sing the "They're magically delicious" jingle? Come on, admit it. You know it went through your head. {Or not. Maybe I'm the only dork out there that lives in jingles and rhymes.}
BEFORE: {notice gross fabric and stains}
Okay, so next "trash to treasure" treasure!
Yes, this bookshelf was curbside. One {wo}man's trash is another {wo}man's treasure. Most definitely.
So here's the BEFORE: {filthy, filthy. And I had to do a tonne of sanding with the electric sanding machine which, by the way, I'm officially in love with.}
Thanks to good friends, middle-of-the-night garbage picking and old-fashioned garage sale-ing.