Wired and Inspired

It's 11:37pm and I'm wide awake. I hereby declare that tomorrow morning, at 5:50am, when Jackson peddles his little self into the room, that I will regret that I'm not at least trying to sleep.

But I'm just kind of wired and inspired. I finished my photography class tonight and loved it. I loved learning. Even tonight, I spent 3 hours studying (really just re-reading all the class notes) and I loved it. Geek. I feel SO inspired.

I just got caught up in several of my favorite wedding photography websites. Oh my. Talk about a visual feast for the eyes. Honestly, I have to say that if I could pick any photography venue right now, it would HAVE to be weddings. The emotion that can be captured. It's just there, ready to be caught on film {or digital sensor as I learned in my class. Dork.}

For years in the back of my mind I've wanted to be a wedding coordinator. And I know I'd be really, really good at it. It just totally suits me. And then, now that this photography thing has come to the forefront of my life I'm thinking, OH MERCY, this could be it.

I love weddings. Even weddings of complete strangers. I LOVE the emotion. I LOVE the joy. I LOVE the happy-happy. I LOVE the passion and the tenderness. I LOVE it. I can hardly wait until I shoot at Nicole and Joe's wedding, next June {2011}. I mean, I can HARDLY WAIT. I'm already tucking away great ideas. Oh I am SO inspired right this second. Wide awake, wired and inspired.

And I'm gonna throw this out there, too. I want Jack and I to be wedding photographers together. As in, have our own business shooting weddings. He would be amazing at it. I know it. He has such a creative eye. Seriously. And I already have a name for that business, if it ever transpires. But you'll have to wait and see. And I suppose Jack might need to be on board with the idea, too. My favorite wedding photographer websites are those of husband/wife duo's ... I just love the team part of it. The partner aspect. Jack, what-do-ya-say?

In the meantime, I continue to walk down the path ... my camera is back from the repair shop so I'm ready to hit it hard practicing with aperture and shutter speed and all those other great terms that I now understand {at least to a limited degree}. I will continue to do the work and we'll see where this goes.

I'd best try to go to sleep or the little guy will be crawling in, snuggling up and saying, "Mommy, I see the sun and that means it's morning time."

Not necessarily little man. Not necessarily.

On Turning 41 ... and my 40th Year In Review


Mommy Daze